- 商品名称:Childers CHIL-PERM WB CP-35 Vapor Retardant Coating 白色防潮乳胶漆 【1加仑桶】
- 商品编号:PLTS000099
- 品牌:Childers
- 上架时间:2014-07-10
- 商品毛重:0克
- 一级分类:厚浆涂料
- 二级分类:乳胶漆
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Childers Chil-Perm WB CP-35 is effective on all types of thermal insulations in both cold and dual temperature service. As a vapor retarder coating, it is safely used to vapor seal fittings, piping, and equipment insulated with mineral fiber, cellular glass, polyisocyanurate, polyurethane, polystyrene, phenolic, and even open cell polyethylene foams. It may also be used to seal the joints of foil faced boards and other factory vapor sealed insulation materials, (test before using for this application) as well as to seal punctures from pins and staples in vapor barrier facing materials.
NOTE: Chil-Perm WB CP-35 is the specificed mastic to be used in the Owens Corning Vaporwick system.
商品属性 [一级分类] 厚浆涂料 [二级分类] 乳胶漆
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