- 商品名称:Childers CP-10 White Mastic 白色防潮乳胶漆
- 商品编号:PLTS000100
- 品牌:Childers
- 上架时间:2014-07-10
- 商品毛重:0克
- 一级分类:厚浆涂料
- 二级分类:白色玛蹄脂
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VI-CRYL® CP-10 weather barrier coating is a tough, durable, and fire-resistive water based mastic for most types of thermal insulation and finishing/insulating cements. It is very thixotropic - it looks heavy but spreads easily. It is outdoor rated and U.V. resistant.
VI-CRYL CP-10 weather barrier coating is unsurpassed for the mechanical protection and weatherproofing of thermal insulations both outdoors and indoors, in hot, cold, and dual-temperature service. However, since it is a ‘breathing’ coating (vapors under pressure will pass through it) it should only be used over insulations in low temperature, or dual-temperature service when the insulations themselves are vapor barriers (Fiberglass Pipe's ASJ paper is a vapor barrier). VI-CRYL CP-10 has also found use throughout the thermal insulation industry as a coating used over closed cell polyethylene and polyurethane foam insulations.
*Note from Buy Insulation Products - CP-11 and CP-10 are great for sealing up insulation on chilled water systems. Use CP-11 to seal up all exposed fiberglass, paint any tape seams and SSL closures to prevent condensation buildup on the pipes.
* CP-11 can be painted on with a brush while CP-10 is applied with a trowel
商品属性 [一级分类] 厚浆涂料 [二级分类] 白色玛蹄脂
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