- 商品名称:EI Mini-Strip Almen Gage TSP-M 弧度测试仪
- 商品编号:PLTS000758
- 品牌:Electronics Inc
- 上架时间:2022-05-04
- 商品毛重:0克
- 一级分类:弧度测试仪
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The Electronics Inc. (EI) TSP-M Almen gage* for the mini-strip has many of the quality features of the EI #2 Almen gage but the Almen strip platform has been designed to accommodate the smaller and lighter mini-strip. Features include:
Digital Accuracy
Flat Check Block
Adjustable Magnetic Grip
One-Year Warranty
Inch/Millimeter Convertible
Data Port Output
Convenient Battery Replacement
Compliant to SAE J442
*US Patent 8,091,406 B1
商品属性 [一级分类] 弧度测试仪
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