- 商品名称:General Pipe Cleaners Flood-Guard™ 4 in. 地漏单向防涌入附件 4F
- 商品编号:PLTS000694
- 品牌:General Pipe Cleaners
- 上架时间:2019-08-18
- 商品毛重:0克
- 一级分类:防涌附件
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Flood-Guard operates like a check valve to seal off water back-up caused by overloaded sewers. Water flows normally through the drain until the sewer begins to backup. Then the Flood-Guard float rises to seal off the drain opening until the water recedes. A screwdriver and a couple of minutes are all you need to install a Flood-Guard. Once in place, it can prevent property damage and a very messy clean-up job. Gaskets are made of molded rubber, and all metal parts are plated or stainless steel. Fits 2" pipe
商品属性 [一级分类] 防涌附件
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