- 商品名称:德国 Elring Curil K2 耐高温非固化密封胶
- 商品编号:PLTS000246
- 品牌:Elring
- 上架时间:2015-11-30
- 商品毛重:75克
- 一级分类:非凝固化合物
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This is the finest sealant we have found for case halfs. It NEVER hardens, so if you ever have to take it apart and reassemble, cleanup is as easy as a little alcohol or mineral spirits! We use it for case halves, generator stands, and oil pumps. It is also excellent for the cylinder head washers in the valve cover area. THIS PRODUCT IS FLAMMABLE SO IT CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA UPS GROUND!
Curil T Sealant is designed for use in high-temperature applications. It is a non-hardening compound that resists synthetic and petroleum products, as well as water. It has a temperature range of -40 degrees C to +250 degrees C. It is recommended for sealing late-model CV joints, turbo exhaust and cylinder gaskets.产品为是土黄色粘稠状,即使在极端的温度环境下也具有极佳的密封效果,不会固化。产品非常适合精细加工、刚性表面的密封,如内燃机、涡轮增压器、齿轮箱、涡轮机、发电机、泵、机械结构等。产品通常可以替代垫片的使用,热稳定度为 -40°C-250°C使用时需要密封表面清洁、无油脂。不要过多涂抹,以防外溢。涂抹后应放置5-10分钟后连接。物料消耗:0.1-0.2ml/㎡阴凉、干燥,室温环境储存,未开封保存情况下可12个月。
商品属性 [一级分类] 非凝固化合物
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