- 商品名称:AFL No. 2 Electrical Joint Compound 导电膏 EJC10T
- 商品编号:PLTS000597
- 品牌:AFL
- 上架时间:2017-08-12
- 商品毛重:0克
- 一级分类:导电膏
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电接触导电膏(电力复合脂)广泛应用于变电所、配电所中的母线与母线、母线与设备接线端子连接处的接触面和开关触头的接触面上,相同和不同金属材质的导电体(铜与铜、铜与铝、铝与铝)的连接均可使用,代替并优于紧固连接接触面的搪锡、镀银工艺,能较大地降低接触电阻(可降低35-95%),从而达到降低温升(可降低35-85%),提高母线连接处的导电性,增强了电网运行的安全性,节省 了大量的电能损耗,还可避免接触面产生电化腐蚀。新型电接触导电膏适用于各种不同环境,具有良好的耐高温、耐潮湿、抗氧化、抗霉菌及抗化学腐蚀性能,还具有高温不流淌、低温不龟裂、理化性能稳定、使用寿命长的特点,极大地提高了导电膏使用处的安全性能,为变电所、配电所的安全运行提供可靠的保证。
Lowest electrical resistance on flat surfaces
Grease-type medium dissolves the oxide on connectors
Adheres to pad surfaces, protecting the connection against the harmful effects of the environment
Proven results in laboratory testing and years in service for efficient and trouble-free service
Terminal to dead end connections for applications under 93ºC (200ºF)
Flat-to-flat surfaces such as bus-t- bus, aluminum-to-aluminum and aluminum-to-copper
Product Description:
AFL's No. 2 Electrical Joint Compound (EJC) is the recommended compound providing efficient and trouble-free service on aluminum-to-aluminum and aluminum-to-copper connections. If No. 2 EJC is kept in a dry place, it has an infinite shelf life.
No. 2 EJC has the lowest electrical reistance on flat surfaces because it is a grease type medium that dissolves the oxide on connectors. The nature of the oxide removal is not harmful. Unlike other compounds of its kind, No. 2 EJC creates a light surface etch with no deep, localized attack.
* EJC10T
Carton of 10
7.94 oz (225 g) tubes
Carton of 12
1 lb. (0.45 kg) cans
1 Gallon Pail,
10 lbs. (4.5 kg)
5 Gallon Pail,
50 lbs. (22.7 kg)
商品属性 [一级分类] 导电膏
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